Dear Family,
Man it has been a good week!! It went by super fast I cant believe I am already here again writing you guys!! I need to do a better job keeping tabs of all the crazy stuff that goes on during the week so that I can have better letters home!! Because there is a ton that goes on in a week, and it is hard for me to soak in everything, let alone remember it!! Alamo is driving me crazy haha I just shake my head some times during the day. I literally am amazed everyday with how some people live and the mindsets that they have. Ugh I never thought the world was this bad until I came out on my mission!! I have faith that the Navajo culture can stay alive, but I also doubt a lot....plain and simple this younger generation is....CRAP!!! They have no sense of morals whatsoever and have never worked a day in their lives!! It is super sad the only thing that they care about is drugs!! Ha there is a gang here in Alamo and their name is by far the stupidest gang name I have ever heard!! Even worse than "Brown Pride" in Aberdeen. It is ICP "Insane Clown Posse"..... wow the least you could do is come up with a cool name!! Well anyways I have been doing really good though haha there still are a lot of really good people in Alamo especially in the older generation. It just makes me sad so I vent about it sometimes!!
So the new President Miller is the bomb!! I already know that I am going to love to work with him!! He is all about finding new investigators by contacting people on the streets! Its crazy I didn't know that before the mission presidents come out to the field that they are trained for a week straight from the first presidency and quorum of the twelve!! So he is kind of on a spiritual high right now! He knows that now more than ever there needs to be a big push for missionary work and that the Lord is preparing so many of his children to receive His gospel. I am just super excited to be able to work with President Miller he is a younger mission president 56 I think. And is very lively and loves to laugh!! I think we will get along just fine! Sports fan too!! Yeah so we have to go to ABQ today for the trainer trainee meeting and then afterwards we have our first interview with President. So its going to be a long day. We have 2 apt tonight back here in Alamo too.
So the investigators that are looking the most promising for baptism coming up are Vince Abeyta and Flora Abeyta. Vince is probably in his upper 30's.... lets say it bluntly he was a jerk for the first 3 transfers that I was here. Always drunk and flipping us off. And would never let us come over to see Flora. But he came to church randomly one Sunday all repentant and saying he wants to change his life. Told us that he has been off alcohol for 3 weeks and said he wants us to teach him. So we went over and taught him, committed him and Flora to baptism and Vince is just loving everything we are telling him. So July 20thshould be their baptism!!
So the Ronnie and Savannah saga continues............ shake my head..... both of them have drove me up the wall!! Both of their minds are permafried, I pray that one day both of them can totally get off of drugs and live a happy life, but I don't think they have the mental capacity to do it! So since the last time they had the desire to change, remember back in May when we had the crazy experience over at their house. They got back on drugs and all that goes with that. SO we go over to their place on Sunday and right when we pull up Ronnie is freaking out trying to hold Sierra (their 6yr old daughter) telling us that she is possessed when she isn't at all!! She was just trying to get attention by sucking on her thumb and wouldn't stop. Ronnie was trying to put the bible in her hands and he dropped it, and was like "look it she just threw the bible!!!" ha no Ronnie... you dropped the bible. Ah anyways we calmed Sierra down by telling her to give us a high five! ha and then started to talk to Savannah on the couch while. Ronnie decides to take off his shirt and go outside with his Book of Mormon while it is a crazy thunderstorm monsoon and starts crying to the Lord..... Just picture this in your mind.... that is what I deal with out here. And so we are consoling Savannah we get her to give up all of her drugs, she gave us a bong and another thing that we crushed up and threw away. Meanwhile Ronnie comes back in just delusional crying pleading to the Lord. He talks for about an hour like that we are just sitting there. Savannah goes and kneels down by him and they start telling each other how much they love each other and start making out... To make it worse Ronnie has a gallon of snot running down his face while they are kissing.... We get them to stop and give both of them a blessing and some council... again! But since Sunday things have gotten kind of crazy again... super long story, but thought you guys might like to hear it haha
On a good not though Hilbert is getting the Aaronic priesthood on Sunday!! I gave him one of my white shirts and a couple of ties!! And Norna, Anita and Terrie are all talking in Sacrement meeting on Sunday as well!! Definitely going to be a blessed day!! I cant wait!! :) We have been helping all of them with their talks, it is going to be great!!
So Angelita, Anita's daughter made me a legit Navajo rug made out of the sheep fur that we just sheered. It is awesome!! I couldn't believe it when she handed it to me!! It is easily worth $1000. It will be something that I will cherish for the rest of my life. And Anita told me that she is making me one as well. Man I love that family!! Angelita calls me her brother and Anita calls me her son haha!
So for P-days we are still going on our usual hikes!! I love it, it gives me an opportunity to kind of put everything behind me and to just relax, and enjoy the outdoors! The Crofts have meant so much to me as well throughout my mission, they do a lot for us!! It is great to be able to spend those hikes with them.
Well I better be off to ABQ, but I love and miss all of you guys!! Thanks for your continual prayers for me and for the work!! Take Care and have a good busy week!!
Love Elder Barrus
Scripture: Fulfilled prophecy!! I love preaching the gospel to the Lamanites!! Enos
15 Wherefore, I knowing that the Lord God was able to preserve our records, I cried unto him continually, for he had said unto me: Whatsoever thing ye shall ask in faith, believing that ye shall receive in the name of Christ, ye shall receive it.
16 And I had faith, and I did cry unto God that he would preserve the records; and he covenanted with me that he would bring them forth unto the Lamanites in his own due time.