Dear Family,
How are y'all doing? I appreciate all of the time that you put to writing me I know it is probably more than a burden if anything, but it really means a lot to me!! The strength that I get when I read your letters is unbelievable, I really need it!! Coming home and checking the mailbox after a long exhausting day and noticing that there is a letter in there for me is a huge unexpected encouragement! So just know how much I appreciate it!! :) So I have been doing really great!! We have continued to be ridiculously busy which is good!! We have so many responsibilities as Zone Leaders that we aren't able to proselyte as much as I would like but I have noticed that the Lord truly is blessing us when we are able to!! I have met the most weird and most amazing people in Albuquerque! I was talking to Elder Schneider about it one day, I was like "there are some really weird people here" and right when I said that a man dressed up like a women walked across the street..... I just shook my head!! What is this world coming to? Sodom and Gomorrah....
So my update:
ZL stuff...
So this whole last week we were on the computer a lot preparing SMCM we had to put all of the Zones numbers and vitality stuff together to present it to the Stake Presidency last night. This happens once a month, and it takes a lot of work!! The meeting last night was pretty cool though it was nice to be able receive some input from the Stake on how we can improve the Zone. Stake Presidents usually are some pretty smart men!! ;)
Also we are doing trainings galore.... Zone Conference we presented a 30 min training to two different zones, which went really well, and then yesterday we did a training for the stake in a Mission Prep class that went very well also. I am really starting to feel confident in myself as a leader, and that is because I know that the Lord is with me helping because I have the desire to help the missionaries or the people that I am teaching. I truly am dependent on his help. And He knows that.
So as far as missionary work goes!! Roxanne and Chrichelles two kids Damiana and Isaac are super super solid to get baptized the week after conference. That has been such a miracle to me to be able to witness. I was really bummed that I missed out on attending Crystal and Damans baptism in Alamo, but the Lord has blessed me with more lives to touch here in ABQ. Roxanne and Chrichelle are best friends, early 30s and Chrichelle was baptized when she was 18 but has since become inactive and fallen off the deep end, but has put her all back into the gospel and is truly living it now.
There are many other investigators that we are meeting with and things are going great!! Most of all I have just really enjoyed being able to talk to people on my mission!! President Millers big push to us is to open our mouth and talk to everyone, and I have really been trying to do that!! Just as I am writing you there is a man sitting next to me that is getting my advice on Fantasy Football and I brought up how much I love sports, but that I have given them up for two years he was super surprised that I would sacrifice something like that. Its leading into the gospel very well.
Well I got to get going. I am going to find out where this gentleman lives and baptize him!! ;) ha love you all family!! Thanks for the support and prayers!!
Love your missionary!!
Elder Barrus
2 Cor. 4: 17-18 this scripture really hit me this week. "things which are not seen are eternal!! How true is that!! :)
P.s I forgot to tell you that last week for P-day we took the Tram to the top of the Sandias!! Most epic thing ever!! :)
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