Thursday, March 13, 2014

60th Letter: "Emery Nelsons Baptism :)"

Hey Friends and Family!!
Just a quick note of a recent event that has happened here in Rio Rancho!! We were blessed this last Saturday with the baptims of Emery Chevy Nelson a 11 year old who had been taught for a good little while here. Emery is simply a genius and has been amazing to teach, this kids ability to comprehend the gospel is amazing. He has always been moved to do whatever his Heavenly Father wanted him to do. At one point in teaching Emery his Dad prohibited him from being baptized which was devastating to Emery! His Mom and him came to the conclusion that they were going to have Emery call his Dad and express himself his desire to be baptized and why. He stated that the basis of his conversation went like "Dad I want to live with my Father in Heaven one day so I need to get baptized, can I?" How do you deny that?? He couldn't and said that he could get baptized!! Simply amazing kid! #futuremissionary 
Elder Barrus

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